Causes of colitis Colitis is a polyetiological disease. Its development is influenced by a whole complex
Preeclampsia: symptoms of late toxicosis In the first weeks of pregnancy, a woman experiences so-called “pure toxicosis”.
The article was prepared by a specialist for informational purposes only. We urge you not to self-medicate.
Indigestion is a disease that is considered one of the most common disorders nowadays.
Peptic ulcer: familiar and so many-sided Peptic ulcer is a chronic, cyclically relapsing polyetiological disease,
The liver is one of the most important vital organs. It is involved in metabolic processes, bile formation,
A drug from the pharmacological group of laxatives, recommended for all ages due to its mild action,
The effect of cereal on a sore stomach Gastritis can be provoked by: Poisoning. Regular overeating. Experiences, stress. Smoking,
An intestinal biopsy is one of the most informative ways to find out what changes are occurring in
Due to the widespread and effective use of NSAIDs in the clinical practice of rheumatologists, cardiologists, and therapists