Why black? Having understood that melena is a special stool in medicine, a few words follow
Erosive-ulcerative gastritis with high acidity 10/09/2019 Intense rhythm of life in big cities, vast distances
The name of this disease is taken from Greek, and means the descent of the stomach below the line of its location.
September 27, 2018 Gastroenterology Elena Batrakova When health problems begin, you need to treat
Lethargy of the intestinal tract or, to put it in the scientific term, “atony” is a weakening or complete
I propose to look into two drugs that are prescribed incredibly often in obstetric and gynecological practice:
Competition “Bio/Mol/Text”-2020/2021 This work was published in the category “Viruses and Microorganisms” of the competition “Bio/Mol/Text”-2020/2021. General partner
© Author: Z. Nelly Vladimirovna, doctor of the first qualification category, especially for SosudInfo.ru (about the authors)
11.24.2019 Article Purpose of appointment and general characteristics Table “What is possible and what is not” Menu
For the city of ancient Crete, see Pylorus (Crete). Pylorus Inside the stomach (the pylorus is labeled in the center